Monday, November 7, 2011

top 5 most disturbing bosses in video games

hey, happy late halloween! to celebrate this wonderful holiday, I though I would say what I think are the creepiest, the weirdest, and the most downright disturbing boss fights ever, now remember, these bosses are from games I played,so if there are more disturbing bosses out there, the reason they aren't on here is because I haven't played the game, also keep in mind this list may contain spoilers, so if you value mystery in gaming just save your sanity and don't read this post, here we go...

number 5:
glamdozer(super mario galaxy 2)
yes this boss Isn't that bad but it's downright ugly and it spits giant balls of acid snot at you, I mean thats pretty funny, but still, this thing is disturbing.

number 4:
mad jack(donkey kong 64)
um... Im not sure what, but something about this boss scared the crap out of me as a kid, and it still kinda does, and I though the clowns that come out of some jack in the boxes, were demented...
number 3:
0² (kirby 64)
who would have thought that a game with characters as cute as kirby would have an evil, blood crying angle as a final boss?!
...this IS a kids game right?

number 2:
nightmare (metroid fusion)
yeah, um, this boss is well, disturbing, when you first see nightmare all you see is it's shadow in the background, but when you get to the final boss, there he is! Im not sure what it is but after a while you knock off his mask revealing his grotesque face, and as the fight goes on his face gets even more disturbing if you've played the game, you know what I mean...
number 1:
giygas(earth bound)
this boss is the true meaning of disturbing, it's warped, it has creepy background music, it talks like a crazy person, and to top it all off, if you look closely at his final form you see a BABY,
worse yet, gyigas is based on a haunting childhood memory of the creator of earthbound, but Im not gonna get into that... but I can safely say gyigas is the most disturbing boss ever,

now to recover from the horrible memories I had to relive to make this post, Im going to go watch spongebob...

1 comment:

  1. excellent post yeah giygas is very very creepy and disturbing
