eh, as strange as this may sound this show is worse then almost naked animals, ya know, the show isn't funny and hardly entertaining, the character personalities are cliches the opening is annoying, I could go on like this for HOURS, also whats up with the random pig?! It just comes out of no where at random times, WHAT THE HECK?! okay I get it, there just ripping off the adventure time snail, but THAT makes sense, cuz alot of adventure time takes place outside, where you might actually FIND a snail okay, NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I SEEN A PIG RUNNING AROUND A SCHOOL, NEVER! anyway, who knows maybe the show will get better (if all the writers get fired) but I really doubt it, the only good part of the show is Christian Potenza's voice acting other then that the show is bad, but if you really insist try and watch the show without having your eyes burn,(good luck) so, cartoon network,if your reading this, just stick with regular show, PLEASE
1 out of 5 stars
pretty funny stuff -- but no pig running around school, really?