well... do know what today is? you don't?? my god... I've dropped a ton of hints, I MEAN LOOK AT THE FREAKING BLOG POST TILE!!!... yeah and I bet you also didn't see the THE BIG PICTURE OF SONIC UNDER THE NUMBER 20, I MEAN COME ON!!!!!!...you still don't know what day it is do you? you love to piss me off don't you..? HEY YOU, WITH THE EYES!! wipe that grin off your face... anyway.... today is sonic's 20th anniversary so Im kinda gonna talk about sonic for a bit...

so I'd like to start of by showing this picture I found online(no copyright infringement intended) I know its sort of old and... well on pretty much every sonic fan blog ever, but, I just felt like showing it on my blog, so the figures coming out are: classic sonic and classic tails, plus a bunch of older figure are being re-released with little robot figures, but Im not THAT hardcore of a collector to go out and buy a bunch of figures I already have just to get the little robot figures, (unless of course they have, like new faces of something) I also heard there coming out with rouge the bat and charmy bee figures at some point.okay enough about figures,now Im going to list my top 10 favorite sonic characters:
7.metal sonic
4.chip/light gaia
you also my wonder what do I think is the funniest,saddest,most epic things to ever happen in the last 20 years,wait... you've never wondered that? well IM GONNA TELL YOU ANYWAY!
funnest moment: Im gonna have to say in the ending of sonic unleashed when orbot pisses of eggman.
saddest moment: when tails was forced to kill cosmo in sonic x
most epic moment: the Finalhazard battle in sonic adventure 2
most unsettling moment: when princess Elise kissed sonic's dead body, I don't know whats sicker, the fact that she kissed a hedgehog, or the fact that she kissed a corpse...
most shocking twist: when chip is revealed to be light gaia in sonic unleashed
also my top 3 favorite sonic songs
1. live and learn
2.endless possibility
3. reach for the stars
well that's it. also, I watched sidekick and eh...almost naked animals... so Im going to do a review on those 2 shows at some point... (oh dear god...)
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