hello everyone today Im going to review the show: the amazing world of gumball
okay Im not gonna lie, when I saw the add for this show I thought it would be the most god-awful piece of crap I'd ever see...but actually... It's kinda good, when I first saw it, this is what came to mind:is that chowders cousin? yeah, the show makes me think of chowder...and chowder WAS a pretty darn good show. anyway, one thing is a bit strange... are gumball and darwen like... BROTHERS?!?! umm, how can a cat(gumball is a cat right?) and a fish be brothers??
thats I bit strange... but the show is pretty funny.I also like the idea of using a real life backround with animated characters, also theres a hidden "easter egg" in the episode "the dvd" in the video store if you look closely in the backround you will see a copy of "the simpsons movie" on a shelf. overall the show is pretty good. if your a fan of chowder you should go watch it, If your one of those people who hate chowder, this might not be the show for you... If you've never saw chowder, shame on you by the way
(lol, kidding) I would go just check it out.
4 out of 5 stars
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